Don’t underestimate this little 1/10 oz gold bullion coin! Smaller gold coins are practical to have in your precious metals portfolio for the same reason why you have $1 bills, quarters, dimes, and pennies alongside $50 and $100 bills.
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Country: Austria
Manufacturer: Austrian Mint
Diameter: 16 mm
Thickness: 1.2 mm
Purity: 99.99%
Weight: 0.1 troy oz (3.1 gram)
Product Information:
If you don’t have any smaller gold bullion coins in your portfolio, the 1/10 oz Austrian Gold Philharmonic coin is worth your consideration.
The 99.99% pure gold Austrian Philharmonic series of bullion coins was introduced by the Austrian Mint in 1989 and have since become mainland Europe’s most recognizable and popular bullion coins.
Austrian Gold Philharmonic coins are minted in 1/10 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/2 oz and 1 oz weights, though the smaller weights are finding increasing favor with investors as the price of gold rises.
The Austrian Mint that produces this coin is widely recognized in the precious metals industry for minting only the highest quality bullion products.
This coin commemorates Austria’s Vienna Philharmonic orchestra with music-related themes on both sides of the coin.
The reverse side of the coin features an assortment of instruments used by the orchestra, while the obverse side depicts the orchestra’s pipe organ.
1/10 oz Austrian Philharmonic gold bullion coins are legal tender in both Austria and throughout the Eurozone and have a face value of €10.
Austrian Gold Philharmonics are included in the list of bullion coins that Americans are allowed to hold in their IRA retirement accounts, according to the IRS.
Upgrade your bullion portfolio with these 1/10 oz Austrian Gold Philharmonic coins!
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