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How to Sell Your Bullion That is Vaulted with BullionStar

If you are storing your precious metals in BullionStar’s vault(s), you can place an order online to sell those metals at your convenience.

Step 1: Log into your BullionStar account and then find "Your Account" at the top right-hand corner of the website, then click the "Sell Stored Bullion" link.

Step 2: Once you arrive at the Sell Checkout page, choose the BullionStar vault location where your precious metals are stored and then enter the number of units of each bullion item that you would like to sell (under the "Qty to Sell" column).

Step 3: Choose your payment method and verify that your customer information is correct.

Step 4: Input your PIN code, then read the Terms and Conditions and check the checkbox if you agree to them. Next, check the checkbox to acknowledge that your order is binding. Finally, click the "Place your Order" button to submit your order.

Step 5: After you’ve placed your order, an order confirmation page will appear with your order number and payment instructions. We will also send order confirmations to you via e-mail and text message. Next, we will process your order and send you your payment.

Step 6: BullionStar will send you an order status update via e-mail when we have sent you your payment.

For Additional Information:

Storing Precious Metals in BullionStar’s Vaults

How We Allocate Bullion in Our Vaults

BullionStar’s Vault Insurance Procedures & Policies

BullionStar’s Bullion Audit Procedures & Policies

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