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Frequently Asked Questions About BullionStar Accounts

Q: How do I change my address and other customer information listed on my account?

A: Simply log into your BullionStar account, go to the Your Account > Account Details section, and edit the customer information.

Q: I forgot the password to my BullionStar account. How can I recover it?

A: Click the “LOGIN” button that is located at the top right-hand corner of the BullionStar website.

A login popup will appear with a link that says "Forgot your password?," which you should click to send a password reset e-mail.

Q: My BullionStar account is locked. How can I get back in?

A: Please contact BullionStar customer support and they will help to unlock your account.

Q: How can I access my order invoices?

A: Once your order is completed, we will save your order invoice in the Transaction History section of your BullionStar account.

Q: How can I close my BullionStar account?

A: Please contact BullionStar customer support and they will help to close your account.

For Additional Information:

How to Set Up a BullionStar Account in Seconds

BullionStar IT & Account Security

Using Two-Factor Authentication on Your BullionStar Account

How to Buy & Store Bullion in BullionStar’s Vaults

BullionStar’s Vault Insurance

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