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BullionStar Storage Fee Schedule

(Note: These fees are effective as of October 1st, 2022)

BullionStar charges reasonable fees for storing precious metals in our ultra-secure vaults and our fees are some of the lowest in the industry.

We invoice storage charges on March 1st of each year or when you sell or physically withdraw your metals — whichever event occurs first. We calculate storage charges daily. For example, if you store USD 30,000 worth of gold bullion in our U.S. vault, the daily storage charge will be USD 30,000*0.0039/365 = USD 0.32. We determine the total cost of storage by adding up the daily costs for each day of the storage year. To view your accrued storage charges, please log into your BullionStar account and visit the Your Account > Storage Charges page.

U.S. Vault Storage Fees

BullionStar’s United States vault is located in Dallas, Texas, which is one of the friendliest jurisdictions for precious metals investing and investors.

We are proud to offer free storage for the first year and the following reasonable fees after that:

  • Gold bullion products: 0.39% per year
  • Silver & platinum bullion products: 0.49% per year
  • Bullion Savings Program (BSP) gold grams: 0.09% per year
  • Bullion Savings Program (BSP) silver & platinum grams: 0.19% per year

We charge a daily minimum storage fee of USD 0.19 per storage jurisdiction if the calculated daily fee is below USD 0.19. Customer accounts that don’t hold any precious metals in the U.S. or only hold free Bullion Savings Program (BSP) grams that are awarded when new accounts are opened do not have to pay the minimum fee.

Converting or withdrawing Bullion Savings Program grams is free, while vault withdrawal of non-BSP bullion products costs USD 129 per instance.

In-person customer audits of precious metals vaulted with BullionStar costs USD 249 per instance.

We charge late payment fees for storage charges of USD 49 per reminder plus monthly interest of 2% on the accumulated storage charges and late fees.

View the storage fees in our other vault locations (Singapore, New Zealand).

For Additional Information:

Storing Precious Metals in BullionStar’s Vaults

BullionStar’s Pricing Policies

BullionStar’s Payment Processes & Policies

A Detailed Guide to Buying Bullion From BullionStar

Storing Bullion in BullionStar’s U.S. Vault

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